Tomorrow’s World Today: Future of Responsible Business

Thrive and Aston Business School are collaborating again to hold the 6th Birmingham CSR Summit on Friday 7 September. This year the focus will be to examine the future direction of social responsibility of business in the region with particular reference to issues of education, homelessness and social isolation.  

Andy Street, Mayor of West Midlands will open the Summit outlining West Midlands Combined Authority strategy and priorities for community and social issues.

The Summit agenda will also include a keynote address, to be given by Professor Asif Ahmed, Executive Dean of Aston Medical School, looking at the health deficit in our less advantaged communities and the impact that the new Medical School will have in overcoming this dire problem in our city. A Panel Debate, looking at the formats of CSR that business and entrepreneurs might be adopting going forward, will be facilitated by Sir Michael Lyons, Chairman of English Cities Fund (and formerly Chairman BBC Trust and Chief Executive Birmingham City Council). The Summit will conclude with two Future Business Leaders’ Perspectives on the direction of responsible business.

The organisers view this as the most exciting line up for many years and a crucial signpost as to the future prospects for corporate responsibility in the region.   

The Summit is open to business leaders, corporate responsibility management, voluntary sector organisations and the general public. For more details and to book a place here.