After over ten years in the role of School and Community Liaison for Birmingham Trees for Life, Jane Edwards has finally ‘retired’, and 2018-19 was her last planting season. At Jane’s final committee meeting, Chairman Geoff Cole presented her with a keepsake to remember all the trees, children and events that have been part of the last decade.
Birmingham Trees for Life
BTfL’s mission is not just about planting trees, it is as much about involving local people in helping to plant them, especially school children. Over the years, Jane has worked with hundreds of schools and teachers, to enable thousands of pupils to enjoy tree planting, often for the first time, and the pleasure and benefit they gain from outdoor activities involving the natural environment is always evident. This year’s event at Perry Common Rec was her record – 153 children on one site over just a couple of hours!
So, both BTfL and the Society would like to thank Jane for all her hard work and tenacity, and for the good natured and efficient way in which she always got on with the job. She’ll be missed!