Subscription renewals are due on 1 July and you will soon receive a reminder from us to renew. After four years, we have decided to increase them by a small amount, to cover the increased events and activities that we are planning in celebration of our centenary.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continuing support of the Birmingham Civic Society. Without it, we would be unable to carry out as much of the work and activities that we do, which engender civic pride across the whole of Birmingham and which we hope will make Birmingham a better place for everyone.

We’ve had a busy year and hope that you have been able to enjoy the many events and activities that are part of our People, Places, Pride series. We are now well into planning the celebrations and events for our centenary year and we’re looking forward to sharing these with you at our 2017 AGM in November.

We continue to focus all subscriptions on delivering the activities, which are fundamental to the Society’s goals and ambitions, and by volunteers continuing to support us in so many ways, we have been able to keep our annual subscriptions at the same rate for the last four years. This year subscriptions are increasing to:

  • £35 Individual membership
  • £50 Joint membership
  • £250 Corporate membership

Full details on how to pay can be found on our website.